ELI logoEnvironmental Labs, Inc.contact us


To provide client companies with a thorough evaluation of stationary source emissions. To develop sampling and analysis programs rigorous enough to both document regulatory compliance and effectively monitor the process operations.


ELI has performed hundreds of emissions testing projects for industrial plants, incinerators, boilers, and other processes. This experience, combined with the training and knowledge of our engineering staff, has given us a solid understanding of the principles of combustion. ELI provides its client companies with in-depth expertise on the differing aspects of incineration operations, and how those variables affect potential emission rates. As opposed to simple "stack testers", ELI specializes in diagnostic testing and troubleshooting.


ELI's comprehensive source sampling and analysis services extend from routine utility compliance testing to complete mass balancing evaluations of either complex or unusual emission sources. Discrete services include:

Particle matter emissions and size distribution analysis (PM, PM 10, PM 2.5)
Acid gas emissions sampling and analysis
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) sampling and analysis
Hydrocarbon sampling and analysis
Metals emissions testing
Dioxins/furans emissions testing
FTIR Testing source testing
All EPA standard source testing, using Methods 1 through 29, Methods 101 through 110, and Method 320
Continuous emission and operating conditions monitoring services
Air and systems balancing, and start-up and related services
For continuous emission monitoring, ELI provides sampling with instrumentation for criteria and non-criteria source level pollutants according to EPA designated methodology and quality assurance procedures.

ELI can measure:

• CO
• CO2
• O2
• NOx
• Total Hydrocarbons
• SO2
• VOCs
• Formaldehyde
• Other Species