NYSDEC Part 222 - Distributed Generation Sources
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has adopted Part 222 to set emission limitations of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) for distributed generation (DG) sources, stationary reciprocating or rotary internal combustion engines that feed the distribution grid or produce electricity for use at host facilities or both. Regulated sources include oil and natural gas-fired engines and combustion turbines generally used to provide back-up power or demand response for large buildings such as large commercial industry, hospitals and office buildings.
Part 222 would impose emissions limitations on:
The Part 222 Rule applies to owners/operators of DG sources at non-major facilities with source output nameplate ratings greater than about 150 kilowatts (kW) (200 horsepower) in the New York City Metropolitan area and about 300 kW (400 horsepower) throughout the rest of the State.
DG sources include emergency and non-emergency stationary combustion sources that feed into the distribution grid and/or produce electricity for use at the host facility. Engines participating in demand response programs are classified as non-emergency engines under the Rule.
Summary of Part 222 Rule
Key highlights include the following for DG sources:
- Restriction on operating times for maintenance and testing during the ozone season of May 1st through September 30th;
- Required annual tune-ups; and,
- Recordkeeping of operational data.
In addition, for non-emergency sources only, the Rule includes:
- Stringent NOx and PM emission limits;
- Initial stack testing must be completed by April 30, 2017 and once every 10 years after;
- Requirement to obtain an Air State Facility Permit; and,
- Alternative compliance options, including shutting down the source, fuel
switching, applying for a source-specific higher emission limit and compliance
extension dates of sources participating in demand response programs.
The proposed rule would not apply to:
Larger units that qualify as major sources under 6 NYCRR Subpart 227-2 and
smaller engine units typically found in smaller buildings; and,
- New sources covered by stricter federal emission limits.
The emission standards for reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) are equivalent to the standards applicable to major sources covered by NYSDEC’s Subpart 227-2 (NOx RACT) regulations and the emission standards for combustion turbines (except combined cycle) are equivalent to pre-2014
(1) standards by May 1, 2017. If an existing DG source does elect the available options or does not meet stricter federal new source performance standards, NOx and/or PM control equipment may need to be installed. Owners of DG sources may also comply by either replacing the sources with new units subject to the federal standards for new sources, or limit operation to emergency conditions only, as defined in 6 NYCRR Part 200. Owners or operators of DG have compliance options including delaying compliance date for prior participation in demand response, offsetting NOx emissions with renewable energy production and alternate emission limits. Part 222 also requires tune-ups be performed and introduces restrictions on the time of day DG sources can be tested.