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continuos emissions


To provide one single source solution to Continuous Emission Monitors (CEMs) requirements for regulatory compliance. Our focus on CEMs specifications, installation, maintenance certification and QA/QC activities has enabled us to develop a degree of specialization unique to the industry. As an independent consultant we offer CEM procurement, installation, parts, maintenance, training and auditing for most any CEMs manufactured in the U.S. today.


Environmental Laboratories Inc. (ELI's) extensive experience with CEMs has been directly obtained from involvement in projects from inception to completion. These projects have involved field applications, as well as research and development activities. ELI's group of engineers are "hands-on" engineers with backgrounds in the areas of regulatory affairs, plant operations, performance specification testing, internal and external audits, CEMs manufacturing and service. As such, we provide our customers with a broad range of services unavailable in other organizations. ELI works by the philosophy of identifying CEMs as part of total programs. It used to be that CEMs were referred to as just monitors or analyzers; however, the change in identification is consistent with the emphasis being placed on entire systems, not just on monitors or analyzers. Now, the total program of providing analyzers, emission data, reporting, QA/QC and CEM maintenance is what must be dealt with. A CEMs program has to be much more than just the selection of a component, or components. It must also include the total integration into either a new or an existing facility.


ELI's experience with CEMs projects has enabled us to provide a complete spectrum of services that include:

• System specification
• System procurement
• Installations and start-up
• Certification and auditing
• Monitor maintenance and training

ELI's in-house expertise can effectively analyze and recommend appropriate compliance strategies in the following areas:

• Evaluation of CEMs needs from a regulatory, facility and corporate perspective; these tasks may include existing CEMs, proposed new installations, or maintenance of QA/QC activities.
• Development of equipment and services bid specifications and assistance with contract negotiations and vendor evaluations.
• Construction management including factory testing, installation, start-up and commissioning.
• Certification and quarterly audit programs for gaseous and opacity monitors.
• Part 75 and Part 60 audit and training programs to continually update and provide necessary modifications to the Part 75 audit and training programs to continually update and provide necessary modifications to the CEMS program to assure compliance.

Whether it is a complete program or selected parts, to either a new facility or as a retrofit into an existing facility, ELI has the understanding of how a CEMs program must be developed, administered and maintained. To attempt to do so without these attributes can result in redundant efforts and misapplications, resulting in an inefficient program and potentially non-compliance.